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Comment count is 17
Aelric - 2007-03-08

whale carcass's are the centerpeice for great white orgys

Twitch - 2007-03-08

Sharks are the most awesome thing ever.

bakune young - 2007-03-08

eat till you cant move, pop a huge boner, then stumble around. are we so different.

kingarthur - 2007-03-08

Can you imagine the uncontrollable masochistic urge to just dangle a foot in for just a second?

ChocFullOfFunk - 2007-03-08

"He will cautiously board the floating whale carcass." This movie just keeps getting better.

zatojones - 2007-03-08

Look at them all slow, fat, and horny. Like a bunch of aquatic Ron Jeremys

Menudo con queso - 2007-03-08

Fuckin awesome, but I don't quite see how climbing on the whale carcass counts as "Science."

Stopheles - 2007-03-08

I am so fucking terrified of open water.

GoodAaron - 2007-03-09

I'm pretty sure I could pass up the opportunity to have sharks eat the raft I'm floating on.

Jacques Strap - 2007-03-09

Hope those sharks left a generous tip

Camonk - 2007-03-10

"I'll stand on this carcass that is being eaten by sharks." Toughest naturalist since Steve Irwin.

Caminante - 2007-03-13

Everything in the ocean wants to murder you.

RockBolt - 2007-04-04

If you're going to go that far, you should at least try and pet them

Pie Boy - 2007-08-22

"This is about the dumbest thing I've ever done."

No shit.

ashtar. - 2007-12-04

Tow it out to sea? Fuck that, let's go explore the meat cave!

lordpotato - 2008-10-17


They're kinda cute when they're all drunk and horny on blubber!

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2008-10-18

Great, now I�m hungry.

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