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Desc:street musician that actually captivates, too steampunk for 73q
Category:Arts, Business
Tags:Australia, pvc, streetmusician, adaptivereuse, pipeguy
Submitted:Dr Robot
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Comment count is 9
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-11-17

Not sure how many of those were supposed to be pop song renditions or his own compositions but I'm impressed either way.

Spastic Avenger - 2014-11-17

It sounds so much like a real life LatelyBass

Bort - 2014-11-17

I smell Science Fair project: a demonstration of how pipe lengths relate to resonant frequencies. Plus, you can hit it with your show, Khrushchev style.

Old_Zircon - 2014-11-17

I'm pretty sure the last video of someone playing PVC pipes like this that we had on here (that guy playing some video game theme or other - Zelda maybe?) literally WAS the result of a science fair project. Thsi one's better though (and WAY less lame than fucking Blue Man Group, who might well be patient zero for this stuff).

Old_Zircon - 2014-11-17

Sounds like a Karplus-Strong algorithm.

oddeye - 2014-11-17

was just going to mention that video, he does lots of videogame themes and shit and at the end his buddy joins to help him out.

I really like this instrument, might make a few myself out of various materials but I can't actually play anything on any instrument at all.

infinite zest - 2014-11-17

Pipe Guy, better not get mistaken with other pipe guys, if you're gonna be out there killing it on the street like that.

chairsforcheap - 2014-11-17

he put many donks on it

jfcaron_ca - 2021-12-31

Pipe Guy is apparently still active as of end of 2021 and does live streams.

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