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Centennial Ostrich - 2014-11-14

From Wikipedia:

Wall Street Journal critic Dorothy Rabinowitz wrote, "Its smartness comes shining through despite the claptrap (none worse than the parade of sex scenes, soft-porn variety, whose noisiness is exceeded only by their unconvincingness); its story, littered with intriguingly repellent characters, grows ever more enticing".[28]

Banshee has also had less favourable reviews. A Boston Herald critic described the series as: "A slow-pokey drama punctuated by shocking violence and sex".[30]

infinite zest - 2014-11-14

Shorn of context I think I like this show. Is it about an MMA fighter turned cop who brings his own kind of justice to the world outside of the octagon?

giygusattack - 2014-11-15

I think he's an art thief posing as a PA sheriff and his arch villain is the Amish. It's been a while since I watched.

infinite zest - 2014-11-16

A couple of other clips I've seen might have spoiled the episodes, so I won't spoil them here, but this is pretty much a poeTV Series if there ever was one. Every clip seems like a mixture of Garbage Day and Ricky Oh.

NancyDrewFan123 - 2014-11-16

He's an ex-Russian Mafia who took the identity of the town's new sheriff after he dies so he can 1) find the diamonds that he stashed there before he went to jail 2) get laid a lot

Simillion - 2014-11-15

This looks like the biggest panderfest to shrunken balls I've ever seen. five overcompensating stars

oddeye - 2014-11-15

Pretty fucking stupid. Why would they jut let this guy beat the shit out of the arrested fella in public? At least get him back to the station, leave him in handcuffs and then turn off the camera before you beat him to death for being a pedo or whatever.

At least in true detective they got that bit right.

infinite zest - 2014-11-15

Honestly I only started watching True Detective because of the projects raid scene, and with Rust's synesthesia and the cryptic intro I thought it'd become something more supernatural than an 8-episode Law and Order SVU.

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