That guy - 2014-11-08
Sudan no1 - 2014-11-08
dreamy sigh
chairsforcheap - 2014-11-08
infinite zest - 2014-11-08
Man, Bill Hicks sure was right about advertising.
infinite zest - 2014-11-08 Although I'd like to see Old School Punk Rock guy get together with Lorna Doom to promote Nabisco snaxxx
Binro the Heretic - 2014-11-08
Yep. That's Tim & Eric, all right.
That guy - 2014-11-08 They're so creative!!
ShiftlessRastus - 2014-11-08
Why didn't Old Spice, Geico, Skittles, Wheat Thins, Starburst, Orbitz, etc... just think of hiring Tim and Eric directly?
Hooker - 2014-11-08
Ha ha. So random and zany.
glasseye - 2014-11-09 Typical Tim and Eric.
cognitivedissonance - 2014-11-08
Man, maybe my Prozac is really working, but I'm finding you peeps really downbeat lately.
That guy - 2014-11-09 Are you claiming this is one of the three diamonds in the Tim & Eric outhouse?
Adham Nu'man - 2014-11-09
Their ad with Tennessee Luke for Saint's Row 3 was great. This one is not.
Jack Dalton - 2014-11-09
As a Tim and Eric apologist, I will admit that their schtick has become stale.
jreid - 2014-11-09 I'm in the same boat. I've always been a fan, but it's about time they evolve.
StanleyPain - 2014-11-09
Great Job.
ashtar. - 2014-11-09
Yeah, I understand what people don't like about them now.
Sputum - 2014-11-09
these kind of seems like a parody of tim & eric to me
Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2014-11-10
Tim and Eric consistently seem to hit things that I would, by all rights, find funny. Yet I don't laugh.
I laugh at some the stupidest shit imaginable that gets poetv-ers to one-star. Yet I can't recall a single time a Tim and Eric bit made me crack up.
Four stars for confusion.
klingerbgoode - 2014-12-06
How did you know?
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