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Yay! The related videos at the end sent me to this one too:
I will go to the grave claiming that Golan Globus never made a bad movie, even though I know it's a lie since I've seen "Firewalker"
But without it, how will I shit out my huge American turds?
American Asshole Stay away from me
No, fuck YOU asshole!
American Asshole would be a great reality tv competition.
They had Tool Academy on VH1, but the reward system was backwards. You were eliminated IF you were the douchiest. American Asshole would have to be a full-on, Pink Flamingos filthiest person in the world competition.
Let's kickstart the pilot then we pitch it to the networks.
First contestant:
Nick Bravo, Chris Chan.
If there ever was a production company that provided a nuanced view of muslims in the 80's then...