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Comment count is 10
Old People - 2014-09-28

As a firefighter, this is one of my worst nightmares, right up there with flashovers and the like. If a train with tanker cars catches fire, make sure you get at least a mile away, because BLEVEs (pronounced "bleh-vee"; as a probie in fire school I initially read it as "Bee-Leev", as in "you best BLEVE this shit will fuck you up) can happen and they will strew burning metal and other nasty shit over a huge area. Even with a backyard propane tank, get yourself half a mile away. Tanks, especially old ones such as rednecks will have, can fail within minutes, so haul ass. Make sure you call it in to 911 as you flee, and warn everyone you can.
Drove my chevy to the BLEVE, but the BLEVE caught fire.

That guy - 2014-09-29

Also, if you're barbecuing with people who are trying to blow up their propane tanks, get yourself at least one county away, and take all your stuff with you.

betamaxed - 2014-09-28

Oh man, this is my favorite kind of video.

Scrimmjob - 2014-09-28

Pretty sure this is a dupe, withholding 1 star because I can't find it.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2014-09-28


crojo - 2014-09-29

Sourcerer username synergy, very nice.

Sudan no1 - 2014-09-28

POEtv, let's forget politics and sing Kumbaya around the exploding gas tank.

gambol - 2014-09-29

dupe dupe dupe

fluffy - 2014-09-29

Stars are for the visible shockwave at 1:25.

The Mothership - 2014-09-30

Oh hey, this looks familiar. Didn't I submit this same video about three years ago?

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