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Comment count is 4
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-09-01

This is awesome.

I'm also amazed this kind of idiocy still goes on. Not the stuff he's upset about, but the idea that trying to "reason with the internet" will in any way, shape, or form have what the speaker would call a positive outcome, ever. It's like trying to stop a mugger from taking your wallet by appealing to his sense of civic pride.

Doomstein - 2014-09-01

Boogie2988 a/k/a Francis is an amazing actor. Nothing he rants about should be taken seriously. He used his own morbid obesity to create a character to make people laugh.



craptacular - 2014-09-01

he should try out at the next casting call in his area

Herr Matthias - 2014-09-01

I have no idea what this is, but it seems like a five star kind of thing

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