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Comment count is 4
Bort - 2014-08-19

Ah, Cleveland. People don't believe me when I say that racism is the core principle of the Republicans, not just in the deep South but even in liberal places where Dennis Kucinich runs free. Sadly, they will be a drag on our nation until they die off; I don't see any other way their brains will stop thinking racist thoughts. Demographics are against them and I can't wait for it to be about 20 years from now.

asian hick - 2014-08-19

I feel like thinking things will improve even 20 years from now is incredibly optimistic. As the hegemony of white people in this country slips away, all kinds of nastiness is going to unfold. I bet this will get a lot worse before it gets better.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2014-08-19

Brought to you by the kind of folks who'd prefer balls over brains, anyway.

oddeye - 2014-08-19

I'm more of an ass man myself.

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