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Desc:Made with Crucible Steel, it was the finest sword of its time, until 1000 years later (in Europe).
Category:Science & Technology, Military
Tags:vikings, Poetv watches people make stuff, metallurgy, swordmaking, medieval martial arts
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Resubmit:Killer Joe

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Comment count is 18
ashtar. - 2014-06-30

Way better than the Dilbert sword. Keeps curving up toward the user, isn't funny.

Also, thanks David Koch!

Sanest Man Alive - 2014-06-30

The Dilbert sword becomes a lot more effective when you replace the standard runes with ones describing restroom blowjobs or cool ranches.

SolRo - 2014-06-30

This is the kind of thing I'm talking about when I piss all over the work of some 'swordsmith' that cuts the thing out of a sheet and grinds it to shape.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2014-06-30

In fairness those pissy swords may be a lot better than the ulfberht as they may be made out of far more advanced materials, like vanadium hsla steel

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2014-06-30

This while thing is obviously really cool tho, the whole mystery surrounding this hyper-advanced tech of its age is awesome!

baleen - 2014-06-30

Vikings only used axes and mostly they were high carbon axes coated in nanotubes.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-06-30

Hell, even a cheap W1 steel might be an improvement.

That said, all props and respect to the founders of the iron age. Even with a shitload of silicon and carbon it's still a challenge to melt iron. And actual steel is a beast.

SolRo - 2014-06-30

I'm not talking of wanking off about which sword is 'better', just the talent and skill in making it.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-30

Once again, no stars until I hear from meme.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-06-30

Five boners for the martensitic transition! That gets my dick to a hardness of Rockwell 60+!!!!

memedumpster - 2014-06-30

"After 11 hours of pounding, Rick has transformed memedumpster into a man."

EvilHomer - 2014-06-30

And here you go.

oddeye - 2014-06-30

Do Vikings even use swords?

M-DEEM - 2014-06-30

He'll make you one for 00. If you ask nicely, or trade in hack-silver, he'll sprinkle a few strands of his mighty beard into the crucible

oddeye - 2014-06-30

00 in viking money is like two monks, 1&1/2 pigs and a well bred Anglo-Saxon woman. Is that worth a nice sword that you'll most likely drop in the north sea? I don't know, I like my self some porking after porking.

All the fancy swords in the world won't save you when King Harold busts your shinny scale-mailed arses.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-30

Please, King Harold was a bitch. The only reason he beat Hardrada was because God wanted to punish the English by saddling them with French kings.

Killer Joe - 2014-06-30

Needs the "poe watches people make stuff" stag

Simillion - 2014-06-30

Done, and glad ya'll enjoyed it.

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