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Comment count is 14
ashtar. - 2014-06-14

This approach to religion has a lot in common with PUA.
You could probably make a bundle selling a "pick up women with occult power" DVD.

Sanest Man Alive - 2014-06-14

*point to Faustian bargain*

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-06-14

*point to Chub-Niggurath*

memedumpster - 2014-06-14

Wassup and Yolo ye, my chosen ones, this is VeilRenderDoggieStyle and in this video I'll be showin' you how to hide your Hadit in her Nu without spending a lot on drinks. Like it says in the Lawg Book : The word of Sin is restriction, so let's get those veils opened and summon us some bitches!

First, you need to find a cheap bar, not to pick up Nugina, but to take a classier Nugina from a more expensive bar...

baleen - 2014-06-14

"If you don't have any sandalwood, a few sprays of "Anarchy for Him" Axe Body Spray will appease the dark lord just as effectively."

subduralhematoma - 2014-06-14

He looks like Ron Pearlman in full Beauty & The Beast makeup. I wonder if he always did or this is a result of dabbling the dark arts

prang - 2014-06-14

My favourite part was the sound the salt shaker made when he pulled out the spout.

Ghoul - 2014-06-14

My favorite part was the wallet chain reveal followed closely by a fantastic salt shaker flourish.

chumbucket - 2014-06-14

I wonder if he ever got his question answered as to how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.

RedRust - 2014-06-16


Father Avalanche - 2014-06-14


cognitivedissonance - 2014-06-14

Much like asking God to bless your favorite football team, asking Bael to hook you up with tickets to Korn is just kind of disrespectful.

takewithfood - 2014-06-15

Eh, it's no dumber than ceremonially eating a cracker you think will turn into the flesh of a magical dead rabbi.

bopeton - 2014-06-15

So, did it work?

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