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Desc:Teens forced to dress up as Fred, Barney, & Wilma holding 'Free Comic Book Day' sign as penance.
Category:News & Politics, Crime
Tags:crime, flintstones, grand theft auto, Sacramento, comic book store
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Comment count is 11
Gmork - 2014-05-05

Doesnt sound so bad.

ashtar. - 2014-05-05

eh, it's a living

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-05-05


infinite zest - 2014-05-05

Wait.. so if I steal from a place I get a job there? I've been doing it all wrong.

SolRo - 2014-05-05

that's how financial regulators get their jobs too.

sasazuka - 2014-05-06

I think the number one question everyone's wondering is, "Did the guy playing Wilma volunteer to be Wilma or did he just draw the short straw?"

oddeye - 2014-05-06

Might as well crank the ridiculousness up a notch if you are forced into this stupidity.

sasazuka - 2014-05-06

He should have been Betty Rubble.

He looks more like a Betty than a Wilma.

oddeye - 2014-05-06

I honestly expected this to be an Onion piece and I'm not sure if I am disappointed that it's real.

Innocent Bystander - 2014-05-06

This is the stupidest thing since that rapist was forced to work in a center for assaulted women (not a joke, although it wasn't implemented).

Hooker - 2014-05-06

So. "Free Comic Book Day." I have a friend that's pretty strongly into comic books. I was going over to his place to watch pro-wrestling and bad movies this past Saturday, but he informed me that I couldn't show up before 2pm because it was "Free Comic Book Day" and he wanted to his free comics, so he would be at some comic book store earlier in the day.

Now, some background I guess is in order. "Free Comic Book Day" is apparently a day where publishers give away free comics as an advertising device. They typically give out lead-ins to major story arcs and shit like that.

Anyway, apparently all the dorks treat it like Comic-Con and dress up (as Heath Ledger's Joker) and everything. More importantly, it's a flashpoint for dorks from all over the city. So, you can imagine what happened. Ostensibly a thing where people line up to get something like any amusement park, grocery store, or even beer concession at a UFC event, the whole thing apparently got so unruly that the police had to be phoned in.

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