SolRo - 2014-04-29
dupe, just like the others.
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-04-29
This sexist shit crosses party lines. I've seen wicked witch Sarah Palin, and wicked witch Hillary Clinton (from the youtube of an Obama supporter) and everytime, they always think it's soooooooooooo original.
That is the shittiest looking cowardly lion ever.
Kabbage - 2014-04-30 Wait whoops that was supposed to go to takewithfood RESCINDING STARS
takewithfood - 2014-04-29
Do you think they realize that in the process of likening Nancy Pelosi to a witch, they've depicted their own party as consisting of a lost little child, a coward, a brainless strawman, and a heartless man desperate for oil?
Kabbage - 2014-04-30 *****
Comment of the year
joelkazoo - 2014-04-29
The bucket of water said "Freedom" on it?
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