SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-04-25
Big Damn Farmers, sir!
Could be good. There'd have to be more to it than farming and getting shot. I mean, you could call it "Meth Lab" for all that.
Old_Zircon - 2014-04-25 The description of the combat engine on the website is pretty compelling.
American Standard - 2014-04-25
Kickstarter backer here.
This game's really coming together in the latest build. I'm not one of those "Losing is fun!" lunatics who enjoys getting my ass whipped despite my best efforts, so I was seriously turned off by the first release, but the newest version actually rewards careful planning with increased survivability. Now I have time to put together elaborate defense systems can carpet everyone's sleeping quarters, which is my idea of fun.
(I also enjoy Prison Architect, which this game was strongly inspired by, and which you should also go buy.)
It's the small developers who are putting out the best stuff, these days. I don't need AAA graphics when I can cannibalize space raiders.
American Standard - 2014-04-25 The non-combat stuff is being worked right now, especially in the last release. This video is very old. Nowadays, every colony has neighbors: other friendly colonies, pirate raider bands, even stone-aged planet natives. You can befriend other groups, bribe them, kidnap and ransom their members, kidnap and, uh... eat their members. (Not that I'd do that. That's wrong.)
There's also more to do other than combat and building. Trading, hunting expeditions, pest control, research. The game definitely isn't finished, and doesn't FEEL finished, but I've wasted hours on it and really enjoy it.
oddeye - 2014-04-25 O god, when the the latest release comes out I'm going to sniff out zombie towers, literally. Also get robbed a lot.
Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2014-04-25
Huhuhuhuhuh you said rim.
ashtar. - 2014-04-25
This looks cool.
Uh, speaking of DF... would anyone be interested in a PoeTV succession fort?
Pillager - 2014-04-25
The theme song for my tenure as a Dwarf Fortress admin.
Meerkat - 2014-08-09 I think we tried that and the people that were interested didn't get turns because the fort went to mold and spiders waiting for someone else's turn. Or something. I forget. I can't commit time to anything until I retire because fucking work keeps sending me off to customer sites to hold someone's hand.
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