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Comment count is 10
Koda Maja - 2014-04-15

This is so dumb.

5 stars.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-15

My mind isn't blown.

fedex - 2014-04-15

geeze man Okotanpe blows them all out of the fucking water


BHWW - 2014-04-15

Are we sure some of these people really are contact jugglers? I see at least one dorky guy in a tuxedo and a shaven-headed man with tattoos but where are all of the guys with shitty soul-patches and ponytails?

Chancho - 2014-04-15

Jesus white people please fucking stop

The Mothership - 2014-04-15

I know that contact juggling takes real skill and lots of practice - and when well done can look really cool - but damn if it doesn't have a vibe of the most utterly refined pretentiousness. I guess that's why the video's here.

badideasinaction - 2014-04-16

"The Superfluous Simon" has picked the perfect name for himself here.

Also it's funny to see the ones who've clearly practiced versus the ones who are included in this because they're part of whatever forum/group this is and the editor was obligated to include it to not hurt their feelings.

I think it's a neat thing so see, but often ruined by the practitioners trying too hard to be quirky or attention whoring.

Old_Zircon - 2014-04-16

About 10 years ago I saw a guy contact juggling at the edge of a ragged mosh pit in an MIT dorm basement during a noise metal show.

blue vein steel - 2017-11-23

i just saw this, and i can totally picture this scene. i've witnessed similar events.

Raggamuffin - 2014-04-16

What is that guy at 4:30 at some kind of juggling themed fight-club?

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