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Desc:Very realistic!
Category:Classic TV Clips, Video Games
Tags:college, Kroll Show, bong rips, napping
Submitted:infinite zest
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Comment count is 8
James Woods - 2014-03-23

Can't stand Nick Kroll, so 5, I guess? I hate him though... I want to give it a one. 3 stars.

infinite zest - 2014-03-23

I used to be indifferent, but since I started watching it from the beginning I've gotten to like it. Except for the "oh hello" parts.. Old New York Jews? Never seen that before. To me it's got a very KitH vibe.

baleen - 2014-03-23

PubLIZicity is brilliant. Wheels Ontario is brilliant. Bobby Bottleservice is hilarious. The old Jews are creepily accurate.

infinite zest - 2014-03-23

Yeah it's spot-on, just not that funny to me. The "Too Much Tuna" punk'd parts are great but other than that it's kind of a one-joke sketch.

chairsforcheap - 2014-03-23

any excuse to have John Muleany play an old jew is a good excuse

BHWW - 2014-03-24

Not to mention Kroll as "European Guy"

"Lunch is usually something cool like a cigarette, 2-3 bottles of red wine and a bowl of heavy cream."

dockilljoy - 2014-03-23

Kroll Show is great, but you put probably the least funny sketch out of Season 1. This is just a rather bland stoner joke montage. Highly recommend other parts of the show like "Oh, Hello" and "Wheels Ontario" besides this.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-03-27

Ha, lazy stoner jokes. Very original!

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