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Comment count is 7
Mister Yuck - 2014-03-06

By watching this, we're making it more relevant to Google's algorithms and more likely for some poor schmuck to find instead of something useful. Hooray!

EvilHomer - 2014-03-06

I took French for four years, and I thought I knew how to pronounce Les Miserables. I've now seen nearly a dozen Youtube videos on the subject, each proclaiming a different way to be correct, and I really don't know what to think anymore.

Is anyone here *actually* French? How in the nine hells do YOU pronounce it?

jreid - 2014-03-06

Lay Meez-ay-rab (with the r either being a rolled 'd' or a throaty 'hr')

jreid - 2014-03-06

(^ from the perspective of a french canadian)

Meerkat - 2014-03-06


Old_Zircon - 2014-03-06

"(^ from the perspective of a french canadian)"

A French Frenchman would probably have quite a lot to say about this right here.

Bort - 2014-03-06

At French McDonalds, the Hamburglar is known as "Lesmise", and when he steals your Royale With Cheese he says "Rables".

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