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Desc:Millions in high-tech equipment is employed for a peepshow. "Oh, we're taping it"
Category:Military, Humor
Tags:Iraq, sex, voyuer, peepshow, fornication in a convertible
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Comment count is 10
KnowFuture - 2007-02-17

Your Tax Dollars At Work....

Solro - 2007-02-17

millions of dollars in technology to look at the equivilant of scrabled pay per view porn

Daughters of Uzbek - 2007-02-17

Hey, Osama could have been in that car, it's their job to surveil.

Teldin - 2007-02-17

We got activity out here but I don't think we need to report it..

Afgh - 2007-02-17

5 stars for the concept, -1 for being so boring and long. (that's not a pun)

Kumquatxop - 2007-02-17

TIME person of the year indeed

zatojones - 2007-02-18

That's not from Iraq

Ersatz - 2007-02-18

Turn it back to white-hot!

RockBolt - 2007-02-18

This is really old, but it still should stand as a lesson of how to easily discract an entire unit

Hooper_X - 2007-02-20

Well, they're not allowed to have REAL porn in Iraq, so you take what you can get.

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