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Comment count is 13
The Mothership - 2014-02-15

squeak. squeaksqueaksqueak

fedex - 2014-02-15

i love the sound of the bed breaking @ 1:15

fedex - 2014-02-15

oops... 0:15

infinite zest - 2014-02-15

This is how I watch all music videos. I want to see one with DMX on the motorcycles with the dogs, and I guess every Nine Inch Nails music viideo.

Billy the Poet - 2014-02-15

All old NIN videos would sound like somebody riding a bicycle with a poorly-oiled chain.

EvilHomer - 2014-02-15

All NIN songs sound like somebody riding a bicycle with a poorly-oiled chain.

infinite zest - 2014-02-15


infinite zest - 2014-02-15

And this song would sound like poorly-oiled chains too. But is it wrong that I kinda like this song as well as the video or am I losing it?

Comeuppance - 2014-02-15


It is wrong.

The video could have been so much better, and titanium, almost regardless of the alloy, has a much lower tensile strength, impact resistance, and wear resistance than most widely-available tool steels. The song is stupid and so is the video. Titanium is just a lightweight metal with decent strength that is non-magnetic and does not rust. It is comparatively malleable and certainly not bulletproof. The kid's climatic response to being cornered was to blow leaves around. End of video. For fuck's sake. The singer sounds like Katy Perry, too.

infinite zest - 2014-02-15

Yeah, titanium wouldn't hold up to a wrecking ball.. oooooh he should do that one too!

For me the song is a guilty pleasure, kind of like Wrecking Ball. I spent most of my 90s youth loathing anything that was at all popular on MTV, and missed out on some really good bands (Nirvana, Screaming Trees, -early- Soundgarden to name a few) and instead listened almost exclusively to stuff like The Wipers, Dead Moon, Millions of Dead Cops, most of the underground stuff that was popular almost only in the Pacific Northwest (or in Germany). Then came youtube, and this was nearly forced down my throat. I was drunk at an after party one night and this came on and I was like "I hate this I hate this I hate this" but danced away regardless.

EvilHomer - 2014-02-16

I've never heard the song before, but Shakira and Rihanna humping the wall and each other is OK with me.

EvilHomer - 2014-02-16

Oh, woops, different song. Yes, yes you should be ashamed of that.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-02-17

His Smells Like Teen Spirit one is great too. Hell, they all are. I'm glad the Prodigy finally brought something worthwhile into my life.

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