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Comment count is 7
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2014-01-29


Jet Bin Fever - 2014-01-29

Yeah, guy was nice to everyone, classy, and really good at what he did.

Bort - 2014-01-29

He witnessed more sheer crap than any of us will -- WWI (he was a kid but he had to have memories), the Great Depression, WWII, McCarthy, the Civil Rights Act, Vietnam -- and yet he somehow never gave in to bitterness.

Bort - 2014-01-29

I meant "civil rights unrest" -- I'm good with the CRA itself, as well as the Civil Rights Movement, but I'm not so keen on the mindless racist violence that accompanied them.

Ocyrus - 2014-01-29

Bort must be a product of American Public Education. Tell us Bort, when was WWI? Then tell us how someone born after that event could possibly have a single memory of that event.

That said, I met Mr. Seeger on several occasions (I live in the Hudson Valley not far from where he lived), and was utterly blown away when he remembered me the last time we met. He was truly a man of peace, and the most genuinely caring person that I've ever had the pleasure to meet.

America has lost a national treasure.

Bort - 2014-01-30

Derp, you're right, I had it in my head that Pete Seeger was born in 1910, not 1920. (Actually 1919 now that I bother to look it up.)

infinite zest - 2014-01-29

I'm guilty of being one of those people who thought he had probably passed away a while ago. In my opinion he was the single greatest musician of the 20th (and into the 21st) century

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