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Comment count is 20
urbanelf - 2014-01-25

He's a 12 year old girl?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-01-25

He's a 48 year old girl.

snothouse - 2014-01-25

The canned "awww" at :45 made a chill trill down my spine.

memedumpster - 2014-01-25

He doesn't look a day under 45.

blue vein steel - 2014-01-25

dude, it's time to give up on that hair

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-01-25

He would look so much better without it.

So, so much better.

He sounds like he's doing some kind of Fred Arnison character.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-01-25

Dave Holmes lost to THIS?

joelkazoo - 2014-01-25

It was a case of a bunch of stupid kids thinking "haha, let's all vote for the worst VJ candidate", and he's let in. Didn't Mtv end up hiring David Holmes as a "creative consultant" after the fact?

If I recall correctly, Holmes actually liked music and knew his shit, so he ended up on a lot of those "10 Best [Fill in the blank] Songs/Bands" shows, didn't he?

EvilHomer - 2014-01-26

As a former stupid kid, I'd like to point out that Jesse Camp was the last even remotely watchable thing MTV had a hand in. We may have lost Beavis & Butthead, but at least we gained whatever the hell Jesse was.

joelkazoo - 2014-01-26

Please tell me that's sarcasm, Evil! If not, screw you for voting for this guy!

EvilHomer - 2014-01-26

I did not vote for Jesse, as the only thing I could be assed to vote for back then was the new M&M color (blue FTW!)

That said, I totally wanted Jesse to win, and I loved all the spastic bullshit he got himself into. Even Buckcherry was tolerable so long as Mister Camp was around to 'zazz things up. Of course, I was like eleven or twelve at the time, but I regret nothing and if I could go back, I'd still mark for him.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-01-27

I liked some of Matt Pinfield's interviews on 120minutes back in the mid 90s. Maybe I just miss that show as a whole, seeing shitty 90s alternative bands get airtime and all.

yogarfield - 2014-01-25

I'm sure his paintings are wonderful and totally not full of stray hairs that have fallen onto the canvas and been smeared about.

theSnake - 2014-01-25

"I've been having a lot of sex with men for money"

EvilHomer - 2014-01-26

Well, I'll be damned. I just checked his Wikipedia article, and it turns out the little bastard went to Loomis Chaffee, one of the most insufferable prep schools in Connecticut.

He told America he was a Crustie!

Jack Dalton - 2014-01-26

Didn't MTV give him a record deal to expedite his departure? I remember him promoting the album and then he was gone... That way, MTV could say that he left to pursue a lucrative music career, rather than, "he left because we really, really fucked up."

kingarthur - 2014-01-26

Drugs, don't do them. In case this isn't drugs, I admire his commitment to the act.

subduralhematoma - 2014-01-26

faces of meth?

Old_Zircon - 2014-01-26

I have no idea who this is.

pyslexic dharmacist - 2014-01-29

I have a hard time believing this guy has ever spoken in front of a camera ever.

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