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Comment count is 10
Oscar Wildcat - 2014-01-03

"Uhhh Are we done yet, honey?"

"No. There is more ninjering to do."

RedRust - 2014-01-03

His shuriken looks like a large nail from home depot with the head cut off by a dremel tool. In any case, props for his tutorial videos on how to be a Hollywoodesque Ninja.

Old_Zircon - 2014-01-03

He shows them in another video; he didn't bother to cut the heads off.

RedRust - 2014-01-03


EvilHomer - 2014-01-03

At least he's exercising.

That guy - 2014-01-03

"Ninja stuff, ok?"

Adham Nu'man - 2014-01-03

Now that was useful

Cena_mark - 2014-01-03

He's got mad skills. I don't know much about his personal life, I just heard that his Korean ninja theories piss off Japanese ninja fanboys.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-01-04

Pfffttt! Everyone knows that ninjers were invented in Australia by white people. It's written in block print on their foreheads, you fool!

The Mothership - 2014-01-03

Wait, a Christian ninger?

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