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Goddamn. Just..... ugh.
Turn away! Turn away! *yawn*
More like DX
More like XXXXL
Okay, I have to ask. Is there some sort of biological anomaly where the fat turns into a splint? She has a butt splint.
Go ahead and let the tired meme turn you away. Your brain will thank you.
I like how they cut the song before the words 'sexy lady' HEEEEEEEEYYYYYY *crickets*
I like that the related videos include "official gangnam style video" that has 19 views.
This...This is what PoeTV exists for.
From what I learned last week on POE, this woman has a decent shot at centerfold for Brazilian Playboy.
Thanks, FailHungergamesHD!
I'm gonna go with Cushing Syndrome, plus discount liposuction, plus protease inhibitors.