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Desc:Smashes homeless people's shopping carts with a sledgehammer
Category:Horror, Stunts
Tags:homeless, sledgehammer, thundering cunt, nice gloves
Submitted:Spaceman Africa
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Comment count is 25
The Mothership - 2013-11-21

"I'm not trying to be threatening..." says man with political agenda wielding sledgehammer in public.

Also, if all he did was just return the carts to the businesses that respectively own them, it would be 100% more effective in tidying up the parks and would have probably earned him a positive news story.

Also, everybody in Waikiki is crazy.

Chancho - 2013-11-21

He could just take the wheels off with some channelocks and a wrench. Maybe load them into a truck and sell them for scrap metal?

SolRo - 2013-11-21

I wonder if he, and idiots like him, just have poorly treated unpaid interns for political advisors and this is the revenge.

yogarfield - 2022-12-07

This is a great theory. For posterity, he's ended up getting his ass kicked a couple times. Good for him. He also was successfully primaried in 2020.

Also there's the time he opened up a church meeting with a "rap".


SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-11-21

And this guy's a Democrat? What must the Republicans in Hawaii be like?

Binro the Heretic - 2013-11-22

I'm picturing a lot of Bond-style villains.

The place is loaded with volcanoes, perfect for secret lairs. Maybe Hawaii attracts them like flies to dog shit?

kumi - 2013-11-21

How is he not committing a crime himself? Destroying stolen property? Only returning the carts when he's apparently too tired to sledgehammer them?

RedRust - 2013-11-21

This guy is going to eventually strain his back swinging that sledgehammer.

ashtar. - 2013-11-22

Someone will invent a steam-powered shopping cart smasher and this guy will exhaust his limits to beat it in a make-life-even-shittier-for-the-people-with-already-the-shittiest- lives contest, only to die with his hammer in his hand, with his hammer in his hand.

ashtar. - 2013-11-22

I live right next to the largest homeless shelter in Montana. Out here, at least, they're all gizzled mountain men or weird hippies with dogs. They're all polite, and, if you don't mind bumming cigarettes, they make for amazing conversation.

Basically what I'm saying is fuck this guy.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-11-22

I hate him so fucking much.

Mister Yuck - 2013-11-22

Shopping carts cost stores a couple hundred dollars a piece. The Don Quixote should nick him for felony vandalism.

Binro the Heretic - 2013-11-22

Did you notice one had the little electronic anti-theft boot still intact?

I'm thinking he just straight up went into a store parking lot and started smashing their trolleys.

chumbucket - 2013-11-22

This along with the expense to the city to haul off the junk he leaves behind.

EvilHomer - 2013-11-22

YEAH! That'll show 'em! Smash those smartass carts; HOMELESS PROBLEM SOLVED.

FineFilter - 2013-11-22

"Diet pill"

Binro the Heretic - 2013-11-22

I hope a natural disaster displaces this asshole from his home.

Robin Kestrel - 2013-11-22

Destroyed 30, returned six. At least he's doing this on his own time with his own personal vehicle...oh, wait.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2013-11-22

The king of cocklords.

TeenerTot - 2013-11-22

Harassing homeless people = solving poverty.

BorrowedSolution - 2013-11-23


BorrowedSolution - 2013-11-27

Uh, wasn't supposed to be a reply.

chumbucket - 2013-11-22

Her name is awesome.

rastarat - 2013-11-22

Was waiting for Bubble's to pop out of the bushes. Oh well, it happened in my mind.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-11-24

What a horrible horrible cuntrag.

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