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Comment count is 6
Reefer Fez - 2013-11-13

How is this secret? People have been bitching about it over here in Japan for the past year or so.

Or is it only secret to Americans? (yes, I'm admitting to not watching the video)

memedumpster - 2013-11-13

Hilariously, it IS secret to Americans, and there is a reward, as in you could make money, if you can get us an actual copy of the TPP!

egglab - 2013-11-13

https://wikileaks.org/tpp/ here's the chapter about intellectual property at least.

Sanest Man Alive - 2013-11-13

yeah, that's kinda what happens in a country when investigative journalism is abandoned to die in favor of punditry and gossip, and its shallow roadside grave is pissed on enough to make bone-mildew-and-vinegar soup.

memedumpster - 2013-11-13

Come for the CIA droneslaughter of a kid for speaking out against droneslaughter, stay for the corporate rigging of the Massively Multiplayer Global Role Playing Game; also bonus Neoconobama and standard GOP fellatio of their own shit logs.

cognitivedissonance - 2013-11-14

Drone slaughter or drone's laughter?

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