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Comment count is 5
Jet Bin Fever - 2013-11-05

Yeah Jorg is a beast! I hope he gets to make his film. I doubt I would ever watch it, but the guy is a great craftsman.

chumbucket - 2013-11-05

1:55 that laugh

Gmork - 2013-11-05

You hate zombie shit?

I think you mean you hate how it's popular, and with all the wrong people. Because you loved it first before it was cool. Because you're special.

Sorry, but some dickhead playing sublime over and over in high school doesn't take away my endorphins when I hear the beginning to "I love my dog"

RocketBlender - 2013-11-06

Nope, hate it. At best I tolerated it before. Resident Evil and the occasional B movie were cool, but I never actively sought out anything Zombie related. Then the internet zombie crazy took off and I'd listen to idiots at my work place assessing how good a stronghold the building would make like they actually believed in that shit, and every video ever for a while just had to involve them. Even fucking Saints Row 3 decided it needed a zombie chapter and it was the shittiest part of the game. I think the whole trend is annoying and overplayed and can just go die off somewhere along with mustaches.

Monkey Napoleon - 2015-10-15

Gmork: There's nothing wrong with hating zombie-related things because of it's popularity. It's popularity is responsible for it not ever going away in anything ever, and for there to be overpriced zombie versions of everything. Zombies is just faux-nerd socially acceptable Sonic the Hedgehog.

RB: Saints Row 3 is like the worst example you could possibly choose.

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