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I want to believe that this is all the guy was working on since "going to the store" two years ago.
The first one was good, but this one hits home, without words, the classic 'HELLO FELLOW HU-MAN DO YOU LIKE EATING A FOODS I SURE DO' gag.
The new Super Mario Bros. game is lookin' pretty good.
Now THIS is the Roy Batty I've always wanted to see.
For the car glitching
I wonder if they're going to try asking him why he was late to the meeting.
This is the best sequel since Aliens.
I nearly turned it off. And then he got in the car.
Jean-Jacques Perrey tag?
Life as N64 game.
Much like the sequel to Naked Gun, the original was better but the sequel is still a worthy follow-up.
Oh, and for those poor benighted souls who don't have the original favorited, here 'tis:
I'm gaining a new appreciation for these gags.