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Comment count is 7
cognitivedissonance - 2013-09-22

I love to tell random Wiccans about the inherent white supremacism of their religion.

Bort - 2013-09-23

Oh? How's that come about -- Wiccan tradition (all 60 years of it) claims Norse/Wiccan roots, and White Supremacists claim Norse/Celtic roots, so the two converge?

Old_Zircon - 2013-09-22

Father, Jethro Tull isn't smooth.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-09-23

Ah! But the real Jethro Tull was!

Bort - 2013-09-23

True story: Ian Anderson's band used to suck ass, so they couldn't get booked twice at the same place unless they returned under a different name, leaving the owner to say "oh shit, not these guys again". The week they first managed to not suck ass, they happened to be going by "Jethro Tull" (an agriculturalist from 300 years ago). So they stuck with "Jethro Tull".

Bootymarch - 2013-09-23


Killer Joe - 2013-09-23

That was a pretty grim-looking party.

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