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Comment count is 9
MaulLove - 2013-09-13

Aw, that's so sad that they froze before they could be slaughtered and eaten.

EvilHomer - 2013-09-13

You don't win friends with salad!

chairsforcheap - 2013-09-13

just take them homer

chairsforcheap - 2013-09-13

waiwaiwaiwa.... aren't the "you don't win friends with salad" and "i am evil homer" songs sung in the same tune... you just blew my mind out of my ass

Change - 2013-09-13

About time you paid off.

Gmork - 2013-09-13


EvilHomer - 2013-09-14

What�s the difference between this lamb and the one that kissed me?

This one spent three days under a snow drift!

baleen - 2013-09-14

None of you have souls and you are going to burn in hell forever.

Change - 2013-09-15

Says the guy who claimed God doesn't exist after he saw a frog being raped by a chimpanzee.

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