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Comment count is 17
Triggerbaby - 2013-07-29

Somebody should have told those scientists that you can't clone talent before they kidnapped David Foley.

M-DEEM - 2013-07-29

I would like to know more about the creature at 1:24.

Old_Zircon - 2013-07-29

1) Some people need to get bullied.

2) Schools look like prisons now. When did that happen?

3) I will never stop being grateful that I grew up before Youtube existed.

memedumpster - 2013-07-29

I don't know what you're talking about, had we stood up and screamed in my school, a very large man would have come over and knocked the shit out of us.

This looks more like a highly medicated special needs school where someone got some med dosages wrong.

fractured - 2013-07-29

I think he means architecturally? I agree. They share more features than most would be comfortable admitting.

Old_Zircon - 2013-07-29

Yeah, I meant architecturally. I went to school back when schools still looked like something out of the 80s version of Invaders From Mars.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2013-07-29

Times like this make me grateful I started saying "kids today are pussies" long before anyone could claim I'm just getting old.

EvilHomer - 2013-07-29

If kids today are like this, you should be glad you're getting old.

kennydra - 2013-07-29

Only the dead can know peace from this.

Pope Caius - 2013-07-29

What hell looks like

Old_Zircon - 2013-07-29

And sounds.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-29

POETV makes me feel old again.

baleen - 2013-07-30

It must be nice to go to a school where people don't beat the shit out of you, they just give you a gentle Shut the Fuck Up instead. This would not have gone down well in the cafeteria of my high school .

EvilHomer - 2013-07-30

I went to a prep school. Had you done this in our cafeteria, you would have been asked by the facultu on duty to please moderate your behavior and comport yourself in a manner befitting the school standard. Should your antics persist, you would then be reported to your Form Dean, for official censure and possible remandation to the student Judicial Council. And *they* might very well place you on punitive labor detail, which meant you had to perform manual labor for the various underclass staff, between Afternoon Athletics and Evening Study Hours. And woe be unto the student who acted in such an unseemly fashion during one of the headmaster's formal dinners! A poor Korean boy made the mistake of turning up to one in an unpressed blazer and DARK slacks; we never heard from him again.

Unless you did this in the Upper Campus Dining Hall. Nobody gave two fucks what you did in the Upper Campus Dining Hall.

M-DEEM - 2013-07-30

^ :)
Pre-columbine would have gotten a similar reaction at my school. You could count on being called a 'faggot' indefinitely too.

Post-columbine would get you possibly tackled by staff and evacuation of the school.

So I guess things have calmed down a bit.

M-DEEM - 2013-07-30

Reply is a bitch

exy - 2013-07-30

This is the exact moment when this kid still doesn't quite realize the difference between the reactions he can expect to elicit with such exhortations from his family and from the rest of the world. If he'd stuck with "performing" the shake for more than 5 seconds, no one would have stood up, but at least no one would want to punch his face in.

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