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Comment count is 15
Caminante Nocturno - 2013-03-20

This trip to Cuckold World cost them 15 million merits.

Mother_Puncher - 2013-03-20

People who liked this also liked: Oh Comely

Very, very appropriate

The Townleybomb - 2013-03-20

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Secret Cutting

Also, it's amazing how perverts like this never get around to depicting any actual sex.

Sanest Man Alive - 2013-03-21

It was originally a two-parter, but the second vid where all the sex happened ran off with a skiing highlight reel.

Urkel Forever - 2013-03-20

"As you have noticed, John, a metal..."

"Wait. Fuck this! Refund."

Blue - 2013-03-21

You'd think he would have had questions about the castration device as they were putting it on.

Redford - 2013-03-21

The weird thing is that he looks so goddam suprised by it. What? That metal thing they stuck onto my balls? I'm sure it's just some sort of monitoring device WAIT WHAT CASTRATION

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-03-20

That is so sexy.

Eroticus E - 2013-03-20

Awful talky for "A different style of pervery."

Cherry Pop Culture - 2013-03-21

Ladies Love Cool J.

Blue - 2013-03-21

*Unzips pants, pulls cock out, starts video*

*Gets into virtual reality pod, unzips pants, pulls cock out, enters simulation*

*Completes orientation, arranges sexual encounter, unzips pants, pulls cock out, watches cctv footage*

*flirts with sexy guy, unzips pants, inserts cock. Cock ejaculates, sexy wife experiences orgasm*

*Cock ejaculates, metallic device beeps, balls fall to the floor*

*Cock ejaculates, burdizzo attachment snaps shut*

*Cock ejaculates* An electronic voice announces "While you guys were incepting, I stole your balls!"

cognitivedissonance - 2013-03-21

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memedumpster - 2013-03-21

Why would a school teacher marry an accountant, it seems like they'd have no common interests.

Killer Joe - 2013-03-21

Well, they both want her to have rough (I assume) sex with virile minority (I assume) men. Though that's a hell of a thing to talk to your mixed-race grand kids about how you and gramma met.

Old_Zircon - 2013-03-21

lf you're still in a danger area when the time runs out
or are doing something naughty, we will send our own signal to you!

...and then... boom!

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