Caminante Nocturno - 2013-03-20
This trip to Cuckold World cost them 15 million merits.
Mother_Puncher - 2013-03-20
People who liked this also liked: Oh Comely
Very, very appropriate
Sanest Man Alive - 2013-03-21 It was originally a two-parter, but the second vid where all the sex happened ran off with a skiing highlight reel.
Urkel Forever - 2013-03-20
"As you have noticed, John, a metal..."
"Wait. Fuck this! Refund."
Blue - 2013-03-21 You'd think he would have had questions about the castration device as they were putting it on.
Jet Bin Fever - 2013-03-20
That is so sexy.
Eroticus E - 2013-03-20
Awful talky for "A different style of pervery."
Cherry Pop Culture - 2013-03-21
Ladies Love Cool J.
Blue - 2013-03-21
*Unzips pants, pulls cock out, starts video*
*Gets into virtual reality pod, unzips pants, pulls cock out, enters simulation*
*Completes orientation, arranges sexual encounter, unzips pants, pulls cock out, watches cctv footage*
*flirts with sexy guy, unzips pants, inserts cock. Cock ejaculates, sexy wife experiences orgasm*
*Cock ejaculates, metallic device beeps, balls fall to the floor*
*Cock ejaculates, burdizzo attachment snaps shut*
*Cock ejaculates* An electronic voice announces "While you guys were incepting, I stole your balls!"
memedumpster - 2013-03-21
Why would a school teacher marry an accountant, it seems like they'd have no common interests.
Old_Zircon - 2013-03-21
lf you're still in a danger area when the time runs out
or are doing something naughty, we will send our own signal to you!
...and then... boom!
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