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Spiderhorse? And they managed to fuck up the tension potential?
feh, going to shadow view for the swallow is pretty lame
Someday people will realize that Gilliam has never been a good director.
brazil, fool
Time Bandits
Fear and Loathing
FUCK WHY DID I 5 STAR THIS HORRIBLE MOVIE Okay for the record my stars are for fear and loathing. I dont care how hot-topic it's become, idiots liking it doesn't ruin it's integrity.
That was retarded, for more reasons than this box will allow me to explain.
Beyond stupid.
Still living on the good will from 12 Monkeys
Why is Gilliam so highly regarded again? Aside from Monty Python, that is.
BRAZIL! Jesus fucking christ.
Does everyone realize that a low star rating = get this video out of here? This is amusingly lame.
I think that's a girl, actually.
It is, in fact, a girl.
hmmm. not good or bad. sort of both. remember that tim burton had off days too, kids.