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Comment count is 7
Hooker - 2013-02-20

Of course, it's a white guy in thick, black-rimmed glasses telling us all about it after the Japanese guy makes it.

Dinkin Flicka - 2013-02-21

He is quite a douchebag, but Fiddlehead Fern is so so good

chumbucket - 2013-02-20

That's a serious bowl.

Cube - 2013-02-20

As a person who enjoys cooking, I can confirm this.

American Standard - 2013-02-20

I love soba noodles.

Minus one for the white guy. "Dip the noodles 2/3rds of the way"? Shut up.

Gmork - 2013-02-20

I'm about to make much, much, much, much more dough than that on friday for our famous "Impanadas". Thank god I have a Hobart in the back to mix it all - that guy must have arthritis by now.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-02-20

Goddamn I'm hungry.

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