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Desc:A clip from the schadenmentry Queen of Versailles. FUN FACT: He lost everything in the '07 crash
Category:Business, News & Politics
Tags:documentary, capitalism, schadenfrude, David Siegel, Westgate
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Comment count is 19
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-12-19

"It may not necessarily have been legal."

Since he lost a lot, I'd say he got what he deserved by "personally" getting George W. in the White House. However, he was one of the many right-wing douchebags that threatened to fire people over Obama getting re-elected, so he can go fuck himself with that golden throne.

Kabbage - 2012-12-19

Yep: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/09/david-siegel-email_n_1951 801.html

CIWB - 2012-12-20

Maybe I'm hopelessly naive, but shouldn't this be, you know, investigated? By a federal agency? We have a man on video who admits to possibly committing a crime which fraudulently led to the election of one of the worst presidents in history.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-12-20

Given that Cheney and Bush were allowed to testify together for the 9/11 commission and that HSBC and other banks were just "fined" less than a month's profits for money laundering on behalf of Iran and drug dealers, seeing this (or any) Bushie cronies even sniffed at by someone from the government is about as likely as you winning the PowerBall.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-12-19

Hahaha! There might not have been an Iraqi war! How funny!

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-12-19

(in response to his laughing about it. I'm sure the veterans with missing limbs must love that laugh!)

Old People - 2012-12-19

To be fair, I think that by laughing the scumbag was acknowledging that even he agrees that Iraq was a bad idea.

Cena_mark - 2012-12-20

Still its just so evil. "Oh hey, I might have lead to the deaths of thousands of people Ha ha, how awkward is that!"

il fiore bel - 2012-12-19

America owes a lot to him?

Okay then, Mr. Siegel. Do you accept payment in the form of repeated steel cleat-clad stomps to the face and balls? Because I'm feeling extremely generous.

Eroticus E - 2012-12-20

His wikipedia entry says he's doing better now. Hopefully, that isn't true?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-12-20

This man deserves to die in a prison cell, surrounded by his own feces.

EnochEmery - 2012-12-20

If you see the whole documentary you see him being constantly harassed by his imbecilic bimbo trophy wife who spends all his money on garbage, her utterly horrible children, her half dozen yapping dogs and surrounded by dog feces. He's an asshole in a hell of his own making. So in a way your wish is granted.

Kabbage - 2012-12-20

This is the truth

bac - 2012-12-20

Me being a slacker aside...how in the hell have I not heard of this movie before?

Kabbage - 2012-12-20

Worth a watch. It's... just delicious.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-12-20

It's people like that make me so desperately cling to the notion of a just God.

TheSupafly - 2012-12-20

You know, he seems humbled and human now at least.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-12-20

Apart from the throne and the lack of an actual "I was wrong." Then there's the whole fire-people-because-the-guy-I-don't-like-got-elected thing.

Kabbage - 2012-12-21

Yeah, trust me, if you watch the movie it becomes quite clear, during the course of this man's collapse of fortune, that there is nothing more to this shell of a man than his money.

Without it, he's just this awful kid.

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