Millard - 2012-12-06
One of his stand-up specials on Netflix cuts between his show and a bunch of behind-the-scene interviews with the dude. He came across as really level-headed and sane back then. Wonder what happened.
simon666 - 2012-12-06 Probably a combination of high stress and alcohol/drugs.
Doomstein - 2012-12-06 He actually looks pretty damn high in that interview.
There's also a recent video floating out there of him slapping a cashier in the face at Target for no apparent reason.
My bet is he's entered the wonderful world of meth.
Cena_mark - 2012-12-06
Thank's a lot Seattle. First you assholes killed hair metal, and now you've crushed Katt William's will to perform.
WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2012-12-06
My only job as a comedian is to tell the truth, so I tell it as best as I can. If they like it, fine. If they don’t like it, fine. If they put me in jail, fine. But when I get out, fine. I don’t give a fuck what they do. I eat good, black pussy and I read a big black bible and I keep a big black pistol, next to two big black dogs and I got some black friends and a black God, who I worship.
voodoo_pork - 2012-12-06
Rudy - 2012-12-06
Am I the only one who keeps getting this guy mixed up with William Katt from The Greatest American Hero?
I am?
OK. then. Carry on.
Chocolate Jesus - 2012-12-06
Seems like Katt is losing it -- There is a recent vid making the rounds of him slapping a Target worker.
I don't remember the details of the incident, but every black person should be allowed to slap a white Target employee in the face. At least once.
spikestoyiu - 2012-12-06 all-the-crazy-t,89530/
memedumpster - 2012-12-06
Holy shit, Katt Williams, what happened!? Let us help you.
Candlejackv616 - 2012-12-06
He really needs to keep the facial hair, I thought he was a lighter skinned Flavor Flav without it.
Jet Bin Fever - 2012-12-06
Probably the funniest thing he's done.
il fiore bel - 2012-12-06
So much for Katt's star player.
American Standard - 2012-12-07
"You can't fire me, I quit," eh?
Five-starring because my finely-tuned drama senses tell me his slide downhill is far from over.
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