jangbones - 2012-11-18
Lou Reed just paid this dog a thousand dollars and offered to split distribution rights
augias - 2012-11-18
Existence, Pain.
Dread Pirate Roberts - 2012-11-18
I love his hesitation at the end.
Oscar Wildcat - 2012-11-18
"Oh the piano, has been drinking,
And the piano, need go walkies,
yes the piano, needs to pee-pee..."
fedex - 2012-11-18
I always wondered what animal Sinatra would come back as, this is clearly "My Way"
pastorofmuppets - 2012-11-18
pastorofmuppets - 2012-11-18 (you're all wrong, this is clearly a frank zappa cover, and a pretty good one at that)
Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-18
He's just lamenting being a poodle. I don't blame him.
scrungus - 2012-11-18
kingarthur - 2012-11-19
This is great.
gravelstudios - 2012-11-19
Alicia Keys has really lost weight.
That guy - 2012-11-20
Hah; also I'm renaming my testes and scrotum Cuties n Fuzzies.
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-11-22
He imagines his audience, and they gift him with so many chew toys and kibble biscuits as he leave the stage.
detc - 2012-12-10
Dogcore has really come a long way.
cognitivedissonance - 2012-12-10
And they said you couldn't cover Bjork!
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