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Comment count is 12
chumbucket - 2012-10-30

This works pretty well and belongs as well. It's reminding me how evil this show really was.

Hooker - 2012-10-30

What is "The Grind"? A show where people just danced? And you watched it on television?

sosage - 2012-10-30

It was one of several baby steps Music Television took towards it's current music free format. It use to be hosted by the white guy from season 1 of The Real World.

simon666 - 2012-10-30

Prior to The Grind, MTV had another dance show called Club MTV hosted by Downtown Julie Brown. Both The Grind and Club MTV were MTV's contemporary versions of American Bandstand and Soul Train.

simon666 - 2012-10-30

Okay. I've just submitted an episode of Club MTV featuring Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch to the hopper. Enjoy!

Old_Zircon - 2012-10-30

That'll do.

The Mothership - 2012-10-30

my roommates used to watch this in the afternoons in the late 90s. And they thought I was odd for watching KITH reruns.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-10-31

Whoa, deja vu over here. I had the exact same experience.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-10-30

I remember my cousins, who were adults when I was in elementary school and ghetto as fuck, would watch this show just about every day, and it was on at an absurd time; when we were getting ready for school in the mornings about 6/7am.

One scene that has remained with me forever is some white chick shaking her fatass in cutoff daisy dukes right next to a black man with dreads in a drag mermaid getup.

And frankly, that's all I want to remember about this show.

STABFACE - 2012-10-30

Shameful Admission: On late nights in middle school, if there wasn't anything jack-worthy on Cinemax, this was the backup.

As you can probably tell, it wasn't ideal, or really even particularly effective. But that was masturbation in the pre-Internet days.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-10-30

Being gay and from a family that refused to adopt home internet access until the mid 2000s, I had to resort to whatever was on the Sundance Channel at 3am.

Those were tough times, indeed.

Snakeweapon - 2012-10-30

At least Electric Circus would linger on them womens for a minute.

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