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Comment count is 13
Riskbreaker - 2012-08-28

Atrocious actor, and a bore to watch.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-08-28

...and he's a way way better actor than James Garfield. And hotter.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-08-28

But he's not a better actor than Garfield. The cat. The talking cat from the comic strips, the talking cat from the comic strips whose entire range is limited because he can't move his lips except to yawn.

Sudan no1 - 2012-08-28

News at 11: pretty actors are kind of dumb sometimes

cognitivedissonance - 2012-08-28

We share a birthdate. That is all I know about this cipher.

FABIO - 2012-08-28

Is the answer "Spiderman 3 happened" ?

GQ - 2012-08-28

Actually the main thing that happened is Sony REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted Spider-Man 4 to be in 3d, and Sam Raimi didn't want to do that sicne he had no real experience in shooting in 3D. Neither side woudl budge, so Raimi left. And if Sony didn't come up with a new Spider-Man movie soon, the movie rights go back to Marvel, which would be devestating for Sony. Hence, the remake is made without Raimi

Nikon - 2012-08-28

I thought he was fine as Parker, and I liked Spider-Man 2. 3 had its fair share of problems, the main one being too many villains. Taking the side plot of Green Goblin II and having that be the main plot of the third one (dropping Venom and Sandman entirely) would have made the film a lot better.

Riskbreaker - 2012-08-28

also, dat fucking dance

Nikon - 2012-08-28


Ursa_minor - 2012-08-28


maggotlimbo - 2012-08-28

The real villain of that movie was Mary Jane's career. What's the matter, did we run out of Batman shit to gripe about? Not bloody likely.

chumbucket - 2012-08-28

Look at me! I can grow a "beard"!! I'm a man and everything!

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