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We used to have huge green mantises around here. I would catch and release at least one a day every summer when I was a kid. I haven't seen any for many, many years. Likewise with lightning bugs. It's quite worrisome.
Katydidn't, and katywon't ever again.
Fuuuuck. Please hurry up and eat the other eye, please. I feel like it's judging me. Stars especially for the music.
mandibles penetrate cranium...cue violins
Needs the NOM NOM song.
and done.
I would have gone with the "stop eating me bro" tag. This was wonderfully appetite reducing.
never even saw it coming.
The best insect.
I'll never be able to listen to a Brandenburg again without seeing half eaten insect skull
"I can't believe I ate the whole thing"
All my stars are for the look on the Mantis' face at 1:58 "Oh, did I do that? Oh, my."
5:57 "This predation scene occurred under controlled conditions." Know what that means? Insect snuff film.
Started laughing around 1:45 because even though the Katydid only has half a head IT STILL HAS THAT STUPID LOOK ON ITS FACE!