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Desc:Oh look, he also snuck an implicit death threat in there as well
Category:Crime, Humor
Tags:Corky, hobo, Nickbravo, shitfit, missing a tooth
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Comment count is 14
urbanelf - 2012-05-26


EskimoSpy - 2012-05-26

I don't remember him always missing this many teeth. Where did half of them go?

Cena_mark - 2012-05-26

Mocking people because of their physical appearance is inappropriate, but GODDAMN HE'S UGLY!

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-05-26

Anyone that acts like this human pile of garbage deserves all the shit that gets thrown their way.

Cena_mark - 2012-05-26

I think its safe to assume that upon his birth the Doctor slapped Nick Bravo's mother for giving birth to such an ugly child.

Chancho - 2012-05-26

Probably just stopped wearing his dentures because no woman is going to fuck him, teeth or no teeth.

urbanelf - 2012-05-26

I think God saw that he had a degree in theater and religious studies, too much for one man, and had to take his tooth.

Adham Nu'man - 2012-05-26

I haven't watched a Nick Bravo video in quite a while, cause his gradual decay was like watching ice melti... Having said that, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!?

Adham Nu'man - 2012-05-26

Oh wait, I get it, the ice melted.

StanleyPain - 2012-05-26

He's going downhill, basically. His weird, sociopathic behavior is starting to manifest itself as more serious mental illness.

urbanelf - 2012-05-26

The man has gone fucking John Galt on us.

Pillager - 2012-05-26

Damn, that wobbly shopping cart cam gave me motion sickness.

Rudy - 2012-05-28

C'mon, Hollywood! The kid wants to work!

newbilus - 2012-06-03

Uses government checks for HD cameras but could never afford a toothbrush evidently.

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