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I feel bad for the realtor who has to sell this - for that price and in this market.
That's not a very funny joke.
I wonder if the house sold before he died.
[Mammoth pluming and Pterodactyl toaster joke] IT'S A LIVING!
Hey! Don't laugh. He and Unk built that house by hand between mastodon hunting trips. They did the best they could.
I was going to comment that Clarke built the house that way because it reminded him of his childhood.
Living in that house would be like living in a living nightmare.
Here you go.
What weirds me out is the lack of bookshelves.
Fred was never much of a reader.
I've seen better looking cob houses.
It's a toss-up whether celebrities or dictators have the most terrible taste in home design, but Clarke's edged it to the celebrity side for 2012.
For that price you could buy a submarine house.
Update: it sold late last year after taking to years to sell: e-house-malibu-sells/ photos-16166924