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Desc:Atheism is Madness lol so i thank Father God Holy Spirit Jesus Christ for helping me yea Hallelujah
Category:Religious, Humor
Tags:Epic, Australia, winning, atheist experience, Dale Garland
Submitted:Space Helicopter
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Comment count is 5
StanleyPain - 2012-04-08

I watched the video of this from the other end (the Atheist Experience recording from in-studio) and I have no idea what the fuck Matt and crew were thinking in allowing this guy to take up almost 40 minutes of the show. Must have been feeling lazy that day or something, cuz it's bullshit they even let this call go past 10 mintues.

joelkazoo - 2012-04-08

I watched it live over the Internet, and I kept thinking it HAD to be a crank. I think his "best" argument was that God had to exist because atheists say "I do not believe in God", but in order to say that, you have to say "I do", thus God has to exist! No, I'm not shitting you, he actually said that!

StanleyPain - 2012-04-08

Yeah I heard that part. It was "Since you have to say 'there is' before 'there is no god', therefore god exists." Which really should have been the hang-up moment. If you look at this guy's other videos, he's pretty obviously got some sort of mental handicap/retardation. His preaching videos smack of an autistic person imitating learned behaviors and phrases. Obviously the atheist experience people couldn't have known who this guy is, but now that he's been outed, I honestly feel kinda awful that someone took this guy's childlike mind and fucking warped it like this.

jangbones - 2012-04-08

30 more minutes of the universe's time, completely wasted, nothing gathered and nothing gained, not a tiny glimmer of light shone on either side, for anyone, at all

Cube - 2012-04-08

That's Internet for ya.

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