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Comment count is 13
FreeOJ - 2011-12-04

Protect the universe.. also happens to be in a 1980's synth pop band.

Sundry - 2011-12-04

Well done, assholes. I may as well have been watching RockLords as I kid now that I know something as cool as this was out there.

memedumpster - 2011-12-04

This show never seems to mind showing people blatantly getting shot.

blue vein steel - 2011-12-04

set your ax on stun

Bort - 2011-12-04

1:47 "Oh hey, fancy meeting you here! How ya AAAAAAAGH!"

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-12-04

This gets everything right. Every single thing ever.

1394 - 2011-12-04

Stan Bush called. He's still waiting on his paycheck for this.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-12-05

Between this and Bravestarr there certainly was a lot of that Cowboys in space thing in the 80s. This one is infinitely superior though and doesn't have a horrible anthropomorphic horse with a gun sidekick.

Xenocide - 2011-12-05

Don't forget Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs!

It was terrible!

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-12-05

What?!? NO IT WASN'T!!!

FABIO - 2011-12-06

Do we not count Silverhawk's Blue Grass?

Big Muddy - 2011-12-23

I shed many starry tears after reading this comment:

Seeing this classic children see that the people go very fast even! And do a lot of our short lives. Only after we get older we realized how many good things we enjoy as this classic futuristic design ahead of its time and even ahead of time of our sons and nephews!
And a pity that many adults do not Respect the childhood of children.
hare if he goes too fast.
So do not waste time! Take your son or nephew to have fun, all great memories he has of you and the things they did in their future.

Childrens! Nephews! Prepare for BATTLE!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-05-01

I just discovered this and it's awesome. Possibly the best space cowboy western rock band cartoon from the 80s I've ever seen.

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