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Desc:Repressed Christians wait for marriage, Ride a see-saw instead
Category:Educational, Humor
Tags:Christian living, frigidity, nebbish award, see-saw
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Comment count is 17
spikestoyiu - 2011-12-05

Yeah, I watched this. The married virginis had a pretty incredible idea of what sex was actually like, which was of course shattered on their wedding night when it ended up being awkward and painful.

There were also three unbelievably annoying female roommates, two of which were actual virgins and one of which was a "reclaimed virgin".

Riskbreaker - 2011-12-05

I just hope they either film their divorce, or them in about 4 or 5 years, miserable and frustrated.

B. Weed - 2011-12-06

Obligatory Onion link:

http://www.theonion.com/articles/horribly-awkward-first-sexual -encounter-worth-the,1614/

memedumpster - 2011-12-05

These may be the most broken people possible. Those virgins are pretty bad too!

charmlessman - 2011-12-05

Five stars for the camera shake from so much laughing.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2011-12-05

Are there people who aren't virgins on camera talk about sex in this manner? Like "okay we're TOTALLY gonna have FOREPLAY and then some INTERCOURSE after we surprise each other by SLOWLY UNDRESSING"?

It's like listening to really bad standup.

memedumpster - 2011-12-05

Or To Catch a Predator.

Toenails - 2011-12-06

Or a LARP game.

BroodMother - 2011-12-05


The Townleybomb - 2011-12-06

Could use the 'the ways of the secular flesh' tag.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-12-06

God damn Internet doesn't have any pictures of a naked Ana Kasparian.

Xenocide - 2011-12-06

HEY CONDOM INDUSTRY: For years they've been cutting into your bottom line with the argument that the only "really" safe sex is abstinence. Now it's time to fight back.

Here's what you do: a series of PSAs. All they consist of is clips of this couple, doing anything. At the end, you add on the tagline: "ABSTINENCE: IT FUCKING RUINS YOU."

Boom. Condom sales go up eight million percent. You're welcome.

Oktay - 2011-12-06

I know they left MSNBC but when did they go over to SNL?

Billy the Poet - 2011-12-06

Oh, sweetie, no.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-12-06

Arg, pitiful.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-12-06

I don't think that's a strong enough word. I don't think there is a strong enough word to describe this.

flotsam - 2011-12-07

Forty botox shots to the vagina later...

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