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Comment count is 11
Snakeweapon - 2011-11-10

O'Doyle rules!

Jeriko-1 - 2011-11-10

I wanted him to stumble out and puke.

StanleyPain - 2011-11-10


Bhiu - 2011-11-10

3 stars for the video plus all the stars in my front pocket for you, good sir.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-11-10

Still drives.

Meerkat - 2011-11-11

Mass Effect 1 was like this for me.

Comeuppance - 2011-11-11

GTA: San Andreas. I kept stealing cars and driving them off the mountain just so stuff like this would happen.

RocketBlender - 2011-11-11

Saint's Row 2. Me and my co-op would regularly either skid a plane, upside down, all the way through a tunnel, or completely freeze the game in the attempt.

Louddetective - 2011-11-11

HAHAHA god. this game is just the best.

Ursa_minor - 2011-11-11

Pop Quiz, Hot Shot...

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-02-19

Why don't they just make the bus out of the same material as the black box?

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