HarrietTubmanPI - 2011-11-08
I lost it at 4:10.
EvilHomer - 2011-11-08
I probably shouldn't admit this, but "The Wild and Crazy Guys" wouldn't have rung a bell to me either were it not for Family Guy.
garcet71283 - 2011-11-08 EvilHomer, you are a human wasteland.
chairsforcheap - 2011-11-08 why would you ever fucking say something so horrible
EvilHomer - 2011-11-08 Sorry guys, I was watching it for a friend, honest.
baleen - 2011-11-09 There was somebody on here who had never seen Monty Python before. I tried to imagine how this was physically possible. The public internet was founded by Monty Python people, the nerdy outcasts who watched PBS at 2am.
Then it dawned on me that PBS has no value now. Nobody really stays up watching a tiny selection of TV stations when you can watch whatever you want online or on digital cable. All these kids growing up online will simply not know get references that the internet people who started all this shit understood reflexively. It makes me feel old.
Ursa_minor - 2011-11-08
duck&cover - 2011-11-08
You have made our bulges bigger.
MrBuddy - 2011-11-09
"This video contains contect from NBC Universal, who has blocked it on copyright grounds."
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