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Desc:A documentary about Sarah Palin that did as bad as that other documentary about Sarah Palin.
Category:Trailers, Advertisements
Tags:documentary, Sarah Palin, You Betcha, this is what democrats actually believe
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Comment count is 8
jangbones - 2011-10-04

about a year too late

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-10-04

It's not like she's a real threat anymore, except to the wallets of gullible people.

themilkshark - 2011-10-04

So, no one will pay to adore Palin for 90 minutes... Also no one will pay to ridicule Palin for 90 minutes.

MissLadyArtemis - 2012-09-12

I wouldn't pay, but I might try to find it online. Briefly. The ridicule one.

freedoom - 2011-10-04

Uwe Boll is directing documentaries now?

Cena_mark - 2011-10-04

Most Alaskan's don't like her anymore. "Bailin' Palin."

mouser - 2011-10-04

I would like for her to have to pay for her rape kit.

kwash - 2011-10-05

So, turns out the Koch brothers (remember them from all those protests earlier this year?), with their recently exposed Iranian treason, actually funded Sarah Palin AND Glenn Beck.

http://www.politicususa.com/en/koch-brothers-iranian-treason-s arah-palin-glenn-beck

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