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25 Most Favorited Videos in the Past 30 Days

#1 - 2

Gboard Double Sided

Military - Classic Movies
Wtf Japan

#2 - 2

'Weird Al' Yankovic conducts the Jr. Philharmonic

Humor - Arts
Mr. Purple Cat Esq.

#3 - 1

Nine double bassoons

Nature & Places - News & Politics
They play yearly in memory of their failure to allocate grant funding for a project

#4 - 1

scary anti-cable tv 70s PSA

Educational - Horror
apparently, cable tv will create a frightening monster on top of your set

#5 - 1

Rich Lowry, Chief editor of 'The National Review' drops N-Bomb Live on Air

Classic TV Clips - News & Politics
Binro the Heretic
He meant to say 'migrants.'

#6 - 1

The Solarnauts (1967) Unaired Pilot

Classic TV Clips
Oh 60s sci-fi, you so purty

#7 - 1

Play This!

Arts - Humor
Modern day classical music composer.

#8 - 1

The Bees explain why they are dying

Pets & Animals - Religious
...through their chosen 'portal' - our old pal, Desteni

#9 - 1

Children in a Nutshell

Accidents & Explosions
Macho Nacho
Never a dull moment.

#10 - 1

Bara Buti: Gwobach Mach Nellogbach

Cartoons & Animation - Advertisements
Sludge Vohaul
An advertisement

#11 - 1

Winners of Nikon's "Small World in Motion" micro-photography competition

Science & Technology
Mr. Purple Cat Esq.
The winner was Mitosis waves in the embryo of a fruit fly

#12 - 1

“My children keep asking me, are we going to die?”

Crime - News & Politics
Journalist Wafa al-Udaini was killed today along with her husband and two children.

#13 - 1

Oh No Public Ninjas!

Accidents & Explosions - Religious
Sludge Vohaul

#14 - 1


Trailers - Classic Movies
Big Muddy
He's a grown-ass superman!

#15 - 1

DIY Homebuilt Hovercraft

Science & Technology - Arts
Teacher builds a hovercraft with a Celica engine and a Cherokee cab.

#16 - 1

Fun with 9v

Science & Technology - Crime
Whoops I mean 2000v

#17 - 1

Simply Sara - Hot Water Sponge Cake

Horror - Humor
Featuring flattering extreme close-ups and earlobe fat.

#18 - 1

Anti Love Song

Music Videos - Funk Disco
Raunchy 70s funk from Miles's ex. Band includes Larry Graham, Santana's 2nd, Pointer Sisters, Sylve

#19 - 1

Bipedal Bear

Pets & Animals - Classic Movies
But not by choice

#20 - 1

MyPillow now only 14.88

Stunts - Arts
this is real

#21 - 1

Necromunda Unboxing

Freestyle dwarf improv.

#22 - 1

Fat Train

Ridin' Dirty

#23 - 1

Doomsday Prepper Shoots Himself

Accidents & Explosions - Classic TV Clips
Reacts Heroically

#24 - 1

To Kill a Mockingbird: Mayella court scene

Classic Movies
wtf japan
Like you've never seen it before.

#25 - 1

AI does not exist but it will ruin everything anyway

Science & Technology
Albuquerque Halsey

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