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25 Highest Rated Videos in the Past 7 Days

#1 - 5.00

“My children keep asking me, are we going to die?”

Crime - News & Politics
Journalist Wafa al-Udaini was killed today along with her husband and two children.

#2 - 5.00

Gboard Double Sided

Military - Classic Movies
Wtf Japan

#3 - 5.00

Mike Tyson eats shrooms and scares Logan Paul

Science & Technology - Classic Movies
Bless you Tyson

#4 - 5.00

Fun with 9v

Science & Technology - Crime
Whoops I mean 2000v

#5 - 4.67

Wilberforce Pendulum

Science & Technology - Educational
Energy moves from linear spring mode to torsion spring, and back again.

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