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Desc:True: I hear the Andriana Furs theme whenever I see black people enjoying themselves ostentatiously
Category:Classic TV Clips, Advertisements
Tags:commercials, nostalgia, 1990s, kenya- the doll named for one of the places her an, Chicaaaaaaaaahgo
Submitted:Mostly Pi
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Comment count is 28
Ursa_minor - 2011-03-17

Baby La' Quishrandiquia and her big sis La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice!

catpenis27 - 2011-03-18

Also, did anyone else notice the price of this shit? You could LEASE a shitass mid 90's Pontiac for about the same price you could lease a Mercedes 15-20 years later. Also, you know what Pontiac stands for...

Sodomite - 2011-03-18

Rent-to-own furcoats and a black doll named Kenya? Fucking goldmine.

CJH - 2011-03-17


dementomstie - 2011-03-18

He should have hit himself with a squirrel when he needed to see the sailboat.

bac - 2011-03-17

HOLY SHIT! That's Ethan Suplee!

Mother_Puncher - 2011-03-17

I just watched some crappy movie with him in it. It was about trains so it was targeted to autistics but it had a lot of special effects so it was like Micheal Bay made a movie for the Xena: Warrior Princess fanbase.

pressed peanut sweepings - 2011-03-17

When I first saw that commercial, I was a little kid without any money, so i figured hitting yourself in the head really hard with a dead squirrel was a bit easier than obtaining a Game Gear.

Neurotic - 2011-03-17


Jack Dalton - 2011-03-17


fulakarp - 2011-03-17

"Magic lotion straightens your curls!" holy shit

Lurchi - 2011-03-17


Big Muddy - 2011-03-17

Yes, there is a secret contest to award for the worst tags, and yes you have won Mostly Pi!

Mostly Pi - 2011-03-17

You'd think they'd send someone better to give me the award.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-03-18

They should have sent a poet.

memedumpster - 2011-03-18

You rang, Mr. Vainglorious?

Hipster came to poe.
Look at the fixie LOLtags.
Here is your award.

Mostly Pi - 2011-03-18

That's better.

BONUS- the cut off tag was supposed to read:

kenya- the doll named for one of the places her ancestors were wrested from.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-03-18

Sega's advertising department was run by assholes.

Disaster - 2011-03-18

Is that Ethan Suplee playing that Gameboy?

tenten - 2011-03-18

The Sentinel really loves cracking cases.

dementomstie - 2011-03-18

Thank you, that was bugging me.

RomancingTrain - 2011-03-18

Is that Howie Long in the first ad?

Also: holy shit, you could advertise furs on TV 16 years ago?

kingofthenothing - 2011-03-18

You could advertise damn near anything in those days. It was magical. "Gold Bond - rub it on your nuts after you take a shower and it's like little fairies are there humming on your balls. Might cause testicular cancer later but it sure feels good now." No, wait, they didn't actually say that.

freedoom - 2011-03-18

Not Howlie Long, Richard Burgi. He was TV's The Sentinel on UPN.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-03-18

The only Game Gear I ever played was owned by an obnoxious Kosher-keeping Pentecostal, so I knew it was obviously not my thing.

themilkshark - 2011-03-18

God Game Gear stunk.

newbilus - 2011-03-18

Batteries lasted a whole 20 min

Senator_Unger - 2011-03-19

Well, I guess we found out who won the Pontiac vs. Toyota battle, didn't we?

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