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Comment count is 10
Burnov - 2010-09-18

Competition is bad, so is technological advancement.

exy - 2010-09-18

Is that a corpse's foot at 3:02? I'm going with yes. + stars for allowing me to suppose this is all happening not so much in lala land but as a chronicle of the wee critters' civilization-building following their collaborative extermination of mankind.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-09-18

Thank you for this.

Cena_mark - 2010-09-18

The message wasn't against capitalism. It was just a retelling of the tortoise and the hare.
Hell our post office is like the turtle except that its not even dependable. UPS and FedEx are way better.

longwinded - 2010-09-18

playa got played

Old_Zircon - 2010-09-19

There's a thing called "allegory," look it up on Conservapedia.

Not saying it was a GOOD allegory.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2010-09-18

These animals are all dead now. Except, maybe the turtle.

kingofthenothing - 2010-09-19

Yeah, I hear he's doing WonderPets these days.

kingarthur - 2010-09-19

I expected a rodent John Galt to be decapitated. This didn't deliver.

Smellvin - 2010-09-19

I'd say this was more a pro-Luddite tale. Technology such as boats and planes can fail, whereas a man's (turtle's) legs are more reliable. As such, we should cast aside the dangerous, foolhardy changes brought by the industrial revolution and the rapine of the earth from gentle forest creatures brought about by mass agriculture. Since machinery (guinea pig's plane) now only keeps us far away from the truth (ground) and can fail and agriculture (the boat) has periods of low yield which can cause the death of those who depend upon (gerbil), a third way must be chosen. Assuredly, Mr. Turtle is a metaphor for our pure, sustainable hunter-gatherer existence collecting roots and berries and hunting squirrels in the forest like our noble, Injun predecessors.

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